Access detective

Auto-Troubleshoot Your Clients' Access Problems

Clients missing permissions, or don't remember who set up their account? Let Access Detective work it out for you.  

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Ever had a client try to give you access to their ad account or Facebook page, only to find that they don’t have permission, and they don't know who does? 🤦

Now you’re stuck. Your client is frustrated and you're frustrated.

After days of back and forth, you finally work out that the old agency who set everything up didn't transfer ownership. Or your client actually had admin access to the business all along, they just hadn't added themselves to their page! 🤯

What if this process took seconds, not days?

🕵️  Eliminate the Guesswork

Leave the hassle of back and forth calls behind you. No more trying to help your client figure out who has the right permissions to give you the access you need. Let Access Detective do the work for you.

🚀 Accelerate Client Onboarding

Ensure seamless setup for your clients, making their experience with you smooth and professional. Reduce the roadblocks and wasted time, so you can start delivering results immediately.

How it Works

1. Send Your Leadsie Link

Your client tries to grant you access to an asset, they can see it in their account, but they don’t have the permissions to share it.

Screen shot showing selection of an asset to share
Screenshot showing Access Detective surfacing names of users with permissions to share an asset

2. Access Detective Gets to Work

If your client needs someone else to grant access, Access Detective will scan Meta to identify any people or businesses with permission. Your client can then send them your Leadsie link.
If your client just needs to assign themselves to the asset in Business Manager, Access Detective will explain how to fix the problem.

3. Your Client Grants You Access

You get the access you need, you and your client save time troubleshooting! Now you can get to work. 🙌

Screen shot showing a successful connection
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Honestly, Access Detective just makes life easier. We don’t waste time chasing clients for the right permissions anymore. We get in, get set up, and start delivering results faster. It’s that simple.
Emily Hamill
Chief Executive Officer, Brightside Marketing

Available for all Meta assets

🕵️ Access Detective works for any Meta asset on every Leadsie plan and we will soon be supporting new platforms!