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How to Regain Lost Access to Facebook Business Pages (updated for 2025)

Locked out of your Facebook Page? Whether you’re a business owner or an agency that needs access to your client’s account, losing access to your Facebook Page is frustrating. This article shows you the various methods to recover lost access to a Facebook Page. Our proven process helped us regain access to hundreds of pages. It works! ✨

Johannes Radig
last updated:  
January 17, 2025
3 mins
Article Content
Common reasons you can't access your Facebook Page
Can you regain access to your Facebook Business Page?
Method 1. Identify the Page owner & contact them
Method 2. Use the “Give Feedback On This Business” functionality
Method 3. Submit an Admin Dispute Request
How to contact Support to reclaim Page ownership
Help! My Facebook Business Page was hacked!
Was your Facebook account suspended?
Ways to prevent losing access to your Facebook account

If you've lost access to your Facebook Business Page, you can't share or schedule content or ads on your account. Not having access to social media can be detrimental for your business reputation, and in turn, your sales. 😰

Following the steps below, you can recover your Facebook Page again in no time.

Common reasons you can't access your Facebook Page

You could have lost access to your Facebook Business Page for several reasons, some of which are easily resolved. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! The first step is to identify why. After ruling out log in issues, it could be any one of these reasons:

  1. Another employee set it up and has since left the company without giving you access.
  2. An agency set it up for you.
  3. Someone who helps manage your Page has changed your role or removed your access.
  4. A bad actor (not George Clooney as Batman—you were hacked) took over your account and won’t give you access back.
  5. Your Page was reported and removed for infringing intellectual property rights.
  6. The Page name was inappropriate or too generic.
  7. The Business Page was set up with an account that has been suspended or disabled by Facebook.

Looking for professional help to regain your access? Click the button below, fill out the form and get help from our trusted partner Metaphoric (ex-Meta employees!)

Can you regain access to your Facebook Business Page? 

The good news is: Yes, you can. After recovering access for hundreds of Pages, we’ve nailed down the process you need to follow to get your access back as quickly as possible.

In most cases, you will have to contact Facebook and get in touch with their support. In that case, it is important that you know exactly what you will have to provide to them, and we’ve got the exact template for you to follow below.

However, in other instances, you may be able to get access back without having to contact Facebook support, so let’s start with this.

Method 1. Identify the Page owner & contact them

Depending on whether your page is on the “Classic Page” version or the New Page Experience, there are different ways to see who currently owns your page. A quick and easy alternative is to use Leadsie's Access Detective feature 🕵️ 🔎 and let the tool do the work! These are the three manual methods to find the Page owner:

•Classic Pages:

  1. Go to your Facebook Business Page
  2. Select 'Settings'
  3. Click on 'Page Roles'
  4. Check the 'Page Owner' section. You'll see either a name, or a 15-digit business manager ID.
  5. Get in touch with the person (if known to you).
Facebook page settings


•New Page Experience for Pages under a Business Portfolio:

  1. Go to Meta Business Suite → Settings.
  2. Look under Accounts and select 'Pages'
  3. You'll see the list of people, Partners, and connected assets to the Page.
  4. Contact the owner or admin with full control (types of Page access).
See who has Facebook Page access under a Business Portfolio

•New Page Experience—Page is not part of a Business Portfolio:

  1. Go to Facebook → Settings.
  2. In the left-hand navigation menu, scroll down and select 'Page setup'
  3. Select 'Page access'
  4. Look out for the people with Facebook access (types of Facebook access).
  5. Contact the person.
Facebook Page access under Page Setup

Look out for who is listed under 'People with Facebook access'.

See who has Facebook Page access via Settings

✨ There's an easier way to find out who has access to your Facebook Page with Leadsie's Access Detective feature 🕵️ 🔎

If you recognise any of the names of the people who are listed as admins or owners, reach out to them and they can grant you admin access. It’s worth a try before going down the rabbit hole of Facebook Support!

🔗 Related article: How to Request access to a Facebook Page.

Method 2. Use the “Give Feedback On This Business” functionality

If you don’t recognise the business that currently owns your Facebook Page, you may be able to give Feedback to Facebook “Not able to recognise the Owner business? If the Page is owned by a Business Account that is not actively managed, then Facebook might show a Feedback button next to it.

Do you see the button “Give Feedback On This Business” as shown below?

Facebook page owner

If you do, click the button and you’ll see this popup:

report admin

Choose the option that is most suitable. For example, if you don’t know the person or company that owns your page, choose 'Unauthorised access.' Otherwise, you may also choose 'Something else.' When you click 'Next', nothing will happen directly. However, Facebook Support will contact you for further information. It typically takes less than 24 hours.

Method 3. Submit an "Admin Dispute request"

When you’re on your Page Settings/Page Role page (as described in Step 1), and you see this message about pending partner request below, you can submit an Admin Dispute Request directly. This is basically a shortcut to get straight into the right Facebook support issue in the next step.

admin dispute request

Before you submit a Page Admin request, make sure you that you are the rightful owner of the business Page and have attempted to contact the person with full control.

Then, follow the steps below to prepare all the necessary information and documents that's needed for an admin dispute request.

How to contact Support to reclaim Page ownership

If the options above aren’t working for you, here’s the exact process to follow and the documents you need to submit to recover your Facebook Page access. These are the three steps to filing a Page admin dispute with Facebook support.

1) Open a ticket

Go to Facebook Support here and type out the issue using this format:

I have lost access to my Facebook Page <name>, <business ID>. Reason: <state your reason here>.

Refer to the screenshot for an example.

Open a ticket with support for Facebook Page admin dispute

Click 'Next step'.

2) Select 'Page admin dispute' from the list of issues.

Select Page admin dispute as the issue

3) Select the asset that you need help with.

Choose the Business Page that you've lost access to.

4) Select either 'Page admin dispute' or 'Hacked asset'.

This depends on the reason you lost access to your Page.

Confirm issue for Facebook Page admin dispute

5) Upload the following required information and documents.

Prepare these three documents before you contact support, otherwise, your request will not be considered. You have to be authorized to make this claim of ownership on a Facebook Page.

📑 Identification
A valid government-issued photo ID, such as a current driver's license or a passport. See the other types of IDs accepted.

📑 Attestation letter

Create a PDF letterhead with the name of the individual or business, address, phone number, and official company logo.

  • Describe your role and your relationship with the Page.
  • Include your Facebook profile URL, user ID, and associated email address as the requester.
  • Name the Page ID and URL that you are requesting access to.
  • Explain your request and situation and/or business relationship with the current admin(s) of the Page.
  • If known, list the people who have full control of the Page. Otherwise, explain why you don't have this information.
  • A declaration, for example: "I, <name of requester>, certify that the information provided is true and accurate."

If you are an agency filing on behalf of your client, use your company's letterhead.

📑 Proof of ownership

To prove that you are authorized to regain access to the Page, you can include the past three Ad account invoices/billing statements (if any). Other common ownership documents include certificates of incorporation, bank statements, business licences or permits, tax certification and licences.

🔗 Full list of documents needed to submit a Page admin dispute.

6) Click 'Start Chat'

Wait for support staff to help you with the Page admin dispute. They will manually review the three documents and process your request within a day or two. Any missing information or document will only delay the recovery of your Facebook Business Page. And that's all!

💡 After you have recovered Page access, you will need to assign yourself access to any assets such as other Business Pages or Ad accounts.

Don't have the time to submit your own admin dispute request? Let the professionals handle it for you. Click the button below, fill out the form and get help from our trusted partner Metaphoric (ex-Meta employees!)

Help! My Facebook Business Page was hacked!

If you or one of your admins was hacked, you can do two things:

#1: Secure your account

Visit on a device that you've used to log in to Facebook before, and select the issue. Then click 'Continue' and follow the prompts.

Secure your Facebook account

#2: Make a report if one of the admins was hacked

You may realize that you've lost admin status to a Facebook Business Page because another admin's account got hacked/compromised. You can file a report via this link.

how to get access to a hacked Facebook page

Was your Facebook account suspended?

While uncommon, you may have lost access to your Facebook Page because your account got suspended or disabled. Facebook suspends or disables accounts that violate their Terms or Community Standards, and they may do so without any prior warning.

You'll usually receive an email and if you try to log in, you'll see an on-screen message telling you that your account has been suspended or disabled. At this point, it's no longer visible to anyone, and you won't be able to use your account.

  • How to appeal a suspension: Log in to Facebook and you'll be prompted to appeal within 180 days.

If the appeal was unsuccessful or if you did not take action within the time limit, your Facebook account will be permanently disabled. Read more about Facebook's Community Standards to understand how that may have happened.

Is your account suspended or is it a log in issue?

According to Facebook, if you don't see a disabled message or receive an email, it could be a log in issue or your account may have been deleted by someone with your password. Unfortunately, deleted accounts cannot be restored.

5 tips to prevent losing access to your Facebook account

There are many ways to lose access to your Facebook account and Page, even if you've never shared your password with anyone. The risk of phishing links and hacking are ever present, but you can take these extra precautions to secure your account:

  1. Use a strong password (you can use free password generators to help!).
  2. Use different passwords for your email and Facebook account.
  3. Set up 2FA (two-factor authentication).
  4. Get alerts on unrecognized logins.
  5. Forgot to log out of Facebook on a public device? Log out of your account remotely under 'Security and login settings'.

We hope that this article has helped you to recover your Facebook Business Page! 🤝 💼

Leadsie was created to help agencies and freelancers onboard Facebook clients quickly and securely with an access request link. Have a 14-day free trial on us to see how it fits right into your workflow!

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Johannes Radig

A self-confessed marketing geek with a fetish for spreadsheets, Johannes is in his element when solving problems and building systems for solutions. When he’s not working on Leadsie, you’ll find him sharing his expertise with other startups as a mentor for 500 Global. In his spare time, he enjoys flinging a ball around a tennis court and cycling up daunting-looking mountains.